Social Day Programs

Under the “Social Day Program” for Senior citizens, KMF  has initiated a new activity named “Spiritual Day Out” wherein Senior Citizens meet at a pre-designated place and board our vehicle for a day-long tour of various spiritual centres.

During the day-long trip, they spend quality time with each other, have lunch together, sit together for a while, Exchange different ideas among themselves. This once-in-a month journey is fully funded by Karuna Mind Care Foundation at the moment.

KMF is a very small Organization with limited resources with funds coming from personal contribution of Dr. Amitabha Mukerji and other members of the foundation as well as few well-wishers.

We are keen to get the I.T. exemption registration so that we can solicit help & contribution from various sources.

“খুব ভাল লেগেছে..সদ্য যুবক পুত্রহারা মা হিসাবে, এই রকম একটা ফাউন্ডেসনের মাধ্যমে যেতে পেরে খুব ধন্য লাগছে। একটা সুন্দর প্রচেষ্টার অগ্রগতির কামনা করি।”
– শ্রীমতি আরতি সাহা


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